
Thursday, September 9, 2010

If I Were You, I'd Have Sex With Me

Men often find it difficult to look a woman in the eyes.
This is because women's eyes are not located in their chests. - Anonymous

I have to confess... online dating is scary.

Years ago, when people met in the traditional face-to-face way, it was easier to discern the "creep factor" of the man who was asking you out. We used things like body language, personal appearance, and presentation to help us decide if this was someone we wanted to be alone with; even then we didn't always get it right. Meeting men online can be challenging! It doesn't allow the luxury of facial expressions or inflection to help clue you in on the kind of person you're talking to. Maybe it's due in part to the anonymity of the internet, or maybe it's just the kind of people who use online dating sites, but the ratio of nice guys to the questionable-at-best seems to be weighted heavily towards the crass. 

So how do you tell the difference between a toad and a potential prince? Here is a list of the top ten most smarmy "pickup" emails I've received:

1. "you need to be at my house"
2. "My mother warned me about good girls. Are you a good girl or a bad girl?"
3. " look so delicious....hey babydoll"
4. "Has anyone claimed you yet? Can I?"
5. "My phone hadnt rang all day call me so I can see if its working"
6. "Would I be pushing the envelope if I admitted to a little lust for you?"
7. "are you wearing a short skirt today?"
8. "if you would make me your slave -i will do your laundry and kneel and please you"
9. "hello very beautiful lady to be honest your a delicous looking lady ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so delicious ..."
10. "if we ever date you wear the pair that lQQk like the ho shoes the most.....;) that's cool of you !!"

The emails from nice guys are not boastful or littered with overtly suggestive pickup lines, and they don't leave you feeling like you need a shower. But in the event that a nice guy feels the need to use a pickup line as an opener, may I suggest one of the following:

1. I may short, but I'm much taller when I stand on my wallet.
2. I like to shop.
3. I don't ordinarily meet intelligent and beautiful women, but you're an exception.
4. You know, you're right!

I ask you, what woman can resist a man who recognizes that she is right?

1 comment:

Fragrant Liar said...

I don't do the online dating sites anymore. I found them not very helpful and way more toads lurk on them than princes. I have to see them face to face, listen to them talk, assess how they interact with people; and perhaps most significantly, how they refer to their parents and THEIR EXES. Just little things I have to know pretty much right off.

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